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По приглашению Директора "Центра Маркетинга" Владимира Моторжина с 5-го по 12 декабря в Рязани находилась делегация ученых из Уневерситета Буффало США. В Рязани представители Университета планировали встретиться с предпринимателями, а также со студентами местного филиала Московского политехнического университета.
Однако всё пошло не так как планировалось! Американцам, из-за встречи со студентами, вменили преподавательскую деятельность, хотя визы у них туристические, приговорили к штрафу и депортации, а также на 5 лет запретили посещать Россию.
В пресс-службе Советского районного суда Рязани сообщили, что дела об административном нарушении были возбуждены против пяти граждан США, работающих в университете города Буффало. «Поводом к возбуждению дел об административном правонарушении послужило проведение ими 6 декабря 2019 года на территории Рязанского института (филиала) Московского Политехнического университета лекционного мероприятия со студентами и преподавателями вузов Рязани. Указанная деятельность не соответствовала заявленной цели въезда в Российскую Федерацию», — сообщили в суде.
На самом деле никакой лекции не было. Каждому члену делегации выделили по 15 минут, а если учесть, что все шло через переводчиков, то на сами так называемые «лекции» в итоге было отведено минут пять. За это время американцы только и успели рассказать, кто они, откуда и чем занимаются, ну немного еще о своем университете. Потом еще минут 40 гости из США отвечали на вопросы. Ну что могут спросить студенты? Можно ли приехать к ним в университет по обмену, как наладить связь между вузами. Вот и все «лекции» за которые Американцев признали виновными, оштрафовали и выдворили из страны!
Ниже представлена информация о членах Американской делегации:
Charles D. Lindsey, PhD is associate professor of marketing and faculty director of University at Buffalo School of Management’s Professional and Executive MBA Programs and is chair of the Teaching Effectiveness Committee. Lindsey has published academic articles in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, and Journal of Advertising.
Lindsey has also written for Fortune Magazine and been quoted in major media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, NPR Marketplace, The Washington Post, and E-commerce Times.
Current topics of interest include customer relationship management, e-commerce channel management (and integration with traditional in-store channels), web and statistical (business) analytics, consumer spending and product selection, advertising, and brand loyalty.
Lindsey started his career in Accounting with a Division of Pfizer. He subsequently transitioned to Marketing and Management related roles within industry, working for Fortune 500 and other large firms. He currently serves as an officer on the Board of Directors for Morton Lane Federal Credit Union and regularly consults for and engages in corporate training with firms of all sizes.
PhD, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
MB, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
MBA, Cook School of Business, St. Louis University
BS, Cook School of Business, St. Louis University
- Statistical Analytics
- Digital Marketing Analytics
- Website Analytics
- Marketing Management
- International Marketing (immersive travel component)
- Marketing Strategy (simulation)
- Consumer Behavior
Molly Anderson serves as executive director of University at Buffalo’s Center for Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness (CLOE) in the School of Management. She is former president and CEO of Leadership Niagara where she transformed New York State’s longest running community leadership organization into a nationally award-winning graduate level program.
She has extensive management and leadership training which began thirty years ago as program director of the American Management Association's Operation Enterprise program taught by a worldwide faculty of CEOs. Molly has traveled to 14 countries and recently initiated an educational partnership to launch a global center of leadership and leadership empowerment program in Ghana Africa. Her affinity for Russia, with educators and business leaders, has spanned two decades and fourteen visits since 1997. She has served on over a dozen boards of directors, including Neglia Ballet Conservatory, advisory board of African Rights Initiative International, CharitySTRONG, Niagara Area Foundation, and Partners with Russia, Inc. She is recipient of:
2019 Leadership Trust – Business First of Buffalo
2019 Citation of Honor – University of Cape Coast (Ghana)
2018 Women of Influence Award – Business First of Buffalo
2018 African Humanitarian Integrity Award – African Rights Initiative International
2017 Women of Distinction Award – Niagara Gazette
2017 Joan Wolfgang Woman of Distinction Community Service Award – Niagara Gazette
2016 Women in Leadership Award – NYS Women Inc. and WKBW Channel 7
2015 Father Joseph Levesque Award for Community Advocacy – Niagara USA Chamber
2015 Community Service Award – Niagara Falls Business & Professional Association
2015 US House of Representatives Commendation – Congressman Chris Collins
2014 Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition – Congressman Brian Higgins
2014 Innovation Award – Association of Leadership Programs
2012 Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education Inductee – Niagara University
Molly attended the University of Buffalo and Houghton College and studied communication and management. She is a graduate of Seth Godin’s altMBA program for high performers. She is a graduate of Harvard Business School of Buffalo's program for nonprofit managers, Leadership Buffalo and United Way of Buffalo & Erie County's board governance program.
Molly lives in Buffalo and is a mother to four children. She is a member of the Saturn Club and Chaîne des Rôtisseurs. Her interests include leadership, global travel and the arts.
Courtney Walsh has built her career as an expert in delivering dramatic gains in revenue and profitability by providing inspiring leadership for core change management and strategic initiatives.
She has positioned herself as a valued resource to Executives and key stakeholders, building consensus around new ideas and programs. Driving innovation and leveraging an entrepreneurial acumen within organizations is at the core of her success.
Courtney was recently selected to serve as the Assistant Dean of the Office of Professional & Executive Development at The University at Buffalo. In this capacity, she is tasked with growing initiatives for working professionals with a focus on non-credit and micro-credentialing programs.
In her previous role as the Assistant Dean for the Center for Executive Development at UB, she drove the development and execution of strategies focused on increasing growth of degree-granting and non-credit programs in a $4.75M operation. She was instrumental in leading a major change initiative, significantly increasing the size and market for the Professional MBA program. During her time in this position, revenue grew by 60% and net income 40%. She was recognized with the State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Professional Service.
As Assistant Dean, Courtney co-created and taught courses on Emotional Intelligence (EI). To date, she has taught and coached over 500 business professionals.
As Assistant Dean, Courtney has traveled internationally, coordinating business trips to Brazil, China, Chile, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Sweden. These ventures offered a wide array of educational, business, and networking opportunities for professional clients.
Prior to UB, Courtney held multiple positions with Delaware North Companies, in Buffalo, NY and at Boston Garden in Boston MA with the Boston Bruins and Boston Celtics. In addition, she has served in multiple strategic marketing positions for entertainment and non-profit organizations where she was responsible for coordinating the Olympic Torch Relay through portions of New York State.
Courtney earned an MBA from the University at Buffalo and a Bachelor of Science from Ithaca College with dual majors in Management and Marketing. She’s also earned various professional certifications relating to emotional intelligence. She is active within the non-profit, business, and academic sectors, serving in multiple board positions.
Maria Gambino serves as Executive Director of Buffalo Spine and Sports Medicine, WNY’s largest Physiatry group specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Prior to Buffalo Spine, Maria served as an Administrator at WNY Immediate Care, the Urgent Care Division of Team Health of North America, she also was instrumental in the company’s expansion into the Rochester market.
Maria started her career at Dunlop Tire Corporation where she worked as an Inside Sales representative for the Northeast Division before returning to school to obtain a Nursing degree to help her transition into Healthcare.
Maria worked as a Registered Nurse at Women and Children’s Hospital specializing in Women’s Health before transitioning to The New York State Department of Health, where she was the Coordinator of a Birth Defect study that focused on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
Maria was then appointed to serve in the Erie County Department of Health, where she served as the Director of the Children with Special Needs Division. Maria oversaw a $ 55 million department that held contracts with 26 agencies and provided services to children with special needs from birth to age 5. Maria was instrumental in the restructuring and reorganization of the division to ensure efficient delivery of services that would best serve that population.
Maria is active in the community and served on several boards. Her involvement includes:
- Hispanics United, a branch of the Acacia Network which is the largest Hispanic Network in the United States.
- Compass House, which serves homeless and runaway children from 11-23 years of age.
- United Way of Buffalo & Erie County Funding Committee, helping to determine the allocation of funding to not for profit agencies throughout Western New York.
- Parent Coordinating Council, advocating for children and parents of children with special needs.
- Westside Resource and Development Corporation, a community activist group instrumental in making change in their local community.
Maria holds an Associate Degree in Nursing from Millard Fillmore School of Nursing, a BS in Management with a minor in Marketing and Written Communication from D’Youville College and an MBA through the University at Buffalo Executive MBA program and also a graduate of Leadership Buffalo.
Maria has a genuine enthusiasm for life, passionate about her city of Buffalo, and enjoys spending time with family and close friends. Her hobbies include baking and cooking, crafting and just enjoying the outdoors.
Mary Ann Rogers is a clinical associate professor and Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion. She is a member of the School of Management’s Organization and Human Resources Department, and principally teaches communication and organizational behavior courses on the undergraduate, MBA, and Executive MBA levels. She also frequently provides corporate training in Western New York organizations. She is recipient of the Arjang A. Assad Excellence in Teaching Award, University at Buffalo School of Management (2018). She received her BA and MBA, School of Management, University at Buffalo.
Mary Ann oversees the first-year MBA mentor program, and is faculty advisor to the UB MBA Case Competition Club and the Graduate Management Association.
Throughout her career, Prof. Rogers held a variety of administrative positions in the University at Buffalo, which included development and external relations, personnel, and resource management responsibilities. She was appointed as a full-time faculty member in the School of Management in 2008. Prior to her current position, Prof. Rogers served as Vice Dean in the University at Buffalo Law School.
Mary Ann is certified in the Hay Group’s Climate and Leadership program and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) training. She annually serves as visiting professor in the Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore, where she teaches courses in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management.
Mary Ann is a proud native of Buffalo, NY, and is an active community volunteer. She currently serves on the board of directors for several organizations, including Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, Dreams from the Heart Camp, The Pink Pillow Project, and the Saturn Club Historic Preservation Foundation.
Mary Ann Rogers was the recipient of the Arjang A. Assad Excellence in Teaching Award in 2018.